Sunday, March 21, 2010

There's nothing like family

We were so lucky to be able to have my mum over from Norway for a visit a few weeks back. The visit only lasted two weeks, but we all had a ball, and Charlie loved having his "mormor" here.
It also gave us some excuses for a few outings.

There is lots of fun things to do at the playground in Tailem Bend, which is a little country town by the River Murray. These big lumps provided plenty of entertainment (and a decent biceps work-out).

The full size locomotive was also a big hit (although very, very hot).

Any spiders in there?

And nothing says holiday like crystal clear water and sand between you toes....

and we always find an excuse for lunch at our favourite cafe Zest, just off Jetty rd in Glenelg.

Unfortunatelly, all visits must come to an end, and on Thursday 11th I had to take mum back to the airport. But we had a great time for as long as it lasted, and Charlie got to spend lots of time with his mormor again.

Yes, yes...

I know, I know... I have been a very neglectful blogger over the last two months. It's been a mix of many things really. We decided to drop Charlie down to only 3 days a week at child care, which means that I'm slightly more busy during my days (nights) off work, but in a good way, as I get to spend time with my awesome little boy. I've also been a lot more tired lately, which is due to to the fact that...


Currently 11 weeks and 2 days, with a due date in October
We are so excited about adding to our family, and Charlie can't wait to be a big brother. So I'll have plenty to blog about over the next 29 weeks and beyond, and I can't wait to share the journey with you all.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Photo Tag

The gorgeous Cat at All Cats are Grey at Night tagged me in a photo tag on her blog, so now I will carry the game on. Here's what you do...

Photo tag:
The Rules - 
1. Open your 1st photo folder
2. Scroll to the 10th picture
3. Post the photo and the story behind it
4. Tag 5 people

This photo was taken at Lisa (Ben's cousin) and Jon's wedding last year. The wedding was on the beach at Port Elliott. It was such a beautiful day with plenty of sunshine (luckily since it was raining in Adelaide that day).

For the next part of this game, I have tagged some blogs I follow.

Keep the game going.